Publications. |
Journal Articles
- Roopnarinesingh, R., Jani, N.D., Leppert, M., and Mukherjee, D. Understanding Thromboembolus Transport Patterns In The Brain For Stroke In The Presence Of Carotid Artery Stenosis. (submitted, under review). [medRxiv]
- Majee, S., Sahni, A., Pal, J.D., McIntyre, E., and Mukherjee, D. Understanding Embolus Transport And Source To Destination Mapping Of Thromboemboli In Hemodynamics Driven By Left Ventricular Assist Device. (submitted, under review). [medRxiv]
- Sahni, A., Majee, S., Pal, J.D., McIntyre, E.E., Cao, K., and Mukherjee, D. Hemodynamics Indicates Differences Between Patients With And Without A Stroke Outcome After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. (submitted, under review). [medRxiv]
- Venkatesh, S., Teeraratkul, C., Rovito, N., Mukherjee, D., and Lynch, M.E. High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics Model To Simulate Perfusion Through A Bone-Mimicking Scaffold. Computers in Biology and Medicine. (accepted, in press).
- Zablah, J.E., Shorofsky, M.J., Cao, K., and Mukherjee, D. Computational Fluid Dynamic Assessment Of Patients With Congenital Heart Disease From 3D Rotational Angiography. Pediatric Cardiology. (accepted, in press). [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., Lai, V., Huang, Z., and Singh, A. The BIORES-21 Survey: Insights Into Remote And Online Education In Biomechanics And Mechanobiology. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. (accepted, in press). [doi]
- Teeraratkul, C, Tomaiuolo, M., Stalker, T.J., and Mukherjee, D. Investigating Clot-flow Interactions by Integrating Intravital Imaging with In Silico Modeling for Analysis of Flow, Transport, and Hemodynamic Forces. Scientific Reports. 14, 696. 2024. [bioRxiv]
- Gutierrez, N.J., Mukherjee, D., and Bark, D. Decoding Thrombosis Through Code: A Review Of Computational Models. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 22(1):35-47. 2024. [doi open access]
- Roopnarinesingh, R., Leppert, M., and Mukherjee, D. Evidence And Mechanisms For Embolic Stroke In Contralateral Hemispheres From Carotid Artery Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association. 12(23):e-030792. 2023. [medRxiv] [doi open access]
- Sahni, A., McIntyre, E.E., Cao, K., Pal, J.D., and Mukherjee, D. The Relation Between Viscous Energy Dissipation And Pulsation For Aortic Hemodynamics Driven By A Left Ventricular Assist Device. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 14:560-576. 2023. [medRxiv][doi]
- Sahni, A., McIntyre, E.E., Pal, J.D., and Mukherjee, D. Quantitative Assessment Of Aortic Hemodynamics For Varying Left Ventricular Assist Device Outflow Graft Angles And Flow Pulsation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 51(6):1226-1243. 2023. [doi] [medRxiv]
- Jung, H., Kang, T., Lee, C.H., Woo, S.Y., Yang, S.S., Mukherjee, D., Kim, D.I., and Ryu, J. Comparison Of Haemodynamics In Carotid Endarterectomy: Primary Closure Versus Patch Angioplasty. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 16(1):1601-1618. 2022. [open access manuscript].
- Mukherjee, D., and Wadhwa, G. A Mesoscale Agent Based Modeling Framework For Flow-mediated Infection Transmission In Indoor Occupied Spaces. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 401(A): 115485. 2022. [medRxiv]
- Kang T., Mukherjee, D., and Ryu, J. Hemodynamic Flow Characteristics At Stenosed Artery: Computational Analysis Of Progressive Unilateral Carotid Stenosis In Three-dimensional Patient-specific Aortic-cerebral Vasculature. Physics of Fluids. 34(6):061902-19. 2022. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Barker, A. Using Simulation Based Active Learning Strategies For Teaching Biofluids Concepts. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 143(12):121011-6. 2021. [doi]
- Wilson, J., Miller, S., and Mukherjee, D. A Lagrangian Approach Towards Quantitative Analysis Of Flow-mediated Infection Transmission In Indoor Spaces With Applications To SARS-CoV-2. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 35(9):727-742. 2021. [medRxiv] [doi]
- Kang, T., Mukherjee, D., and Ryu, J. Numerical investigation of carotid stenosis in three-dimensional aortic-cerebral vasculature: Pulsatility index, resistive index, time-to-peak velocity, and flow characteristics. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 15(1):1645-1665. 2021. [open access manuscript]
- Teeraratkul, C., and Mukherjee, D. Microstructure Aware Modeling Of Biochemical Transport In Arterial Blood Clots. Journal of Biomechanics. 127:110692. 2021. [bioRxiv]
- Kang, T., Mukherjee, D., Kim, J.M., Park, K.Y., and Ryu, J. Effects Of Progressive Carotid Stenosis On The Hemodynamics Of The Circle of Willis: Aorta-to-Cerebral 3D Patient-specific Simulation. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 15(1):830-847. 2021. [open-access manuscript]
- Teeraratkul, C., Irwin, Z., Shadden, S.C., and Mukherjee, D. Computational Investigation Of Blood Flow And Flow-mediated Transport In Arterial Thrombus Neighborhood. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 20:701-715. 2021. [bioRxiv]
- Mukherjee, D. Developing Effective Screencast Modules For Teaching Computational Techniques In Remote Modalities. Biomedical Engineering Education. 1(2):307-311. 2021. [author-manuscript]
- Miller, S., Mukherjee, D., Wilson, J., Clements, N., and Steiner, C. Implementing A Negative-Pressure Isolation Space Within A Skilled Nursing Facility To Control SARS-CoV-2 Transmission. American Journal of Infection Control. 49(4):438-446. 2020. [medRxiv]
- Mukherjee, D., Jani, N.D., Narvid, J., and Shadden, S.C. The Role Of Circle of Willis Anatomy In Cardio-embolic Stroke - A Patient-specific Simulation Based Study. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 46(8):1128-1145. 2018. [bioRxiv] [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Shadden, S.C. Modeling Blood Flow Around A Thrombus Using A Hybrid Particle-Continuum Approach. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 17(3):645-663. 2018. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Shadden, S.C. Inertial Particle Dynamics In Large Artery Flows - Implications For Modeling Arterial Embolisms. Journal of Biomechanics. 52(8):155-164. 2017. [doi]
- Casas, G., Mukherjee, D., Celigueta, M.A., Zohdi, T.I., and Onate, E. A Modular, Partitioned, Discrete Element Framework For Industrial Grain Distribution Systems With Rotating Machinery. Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics. 4(2):181-198. 2017. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., Jani, N., Selvaganesan, K., Weng, C.L., and Shadden, S.C. Computational Assessment Of The Relation Between Embolism Source And Embolus Distribution To The Circle Of Willis For Improved Understanding Of Stroke Etiology. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 138(8):081008-081008-13. 2016. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., Padilla, J., and Shadden, S.C. Numerical Investigation Of Fluid-particle Interactions For Embolic Stroke. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. 30(1):23-39. 2015. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Zohdi, T.I. A Discrete Element Based Simulation Framework To Investigate Particulate Spray Deposition Processes. Journal of Computational Physics. 290:298-317. 2015. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Zohdi, T. I. Computational Modeling Of The Dynamics & Interference Effects Of An Erosive Granular Jet Impacting A Porous, Compliant Surface. Granular Matter. 17(2):231-252. 2015. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., Zaky, Z., Zohdi, T.I., Salama, A., and Sun, S. Investigation Of Guided Particle Transport For Noninvasive Healing Of Damaged Piping System Using Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Methods. Journal of Society of Petroleum Engineers. 20(4):872-883. 2015. [doi]
- Mukherjee, D., and Zohdi, T. I. Electromagnetic Control Of Charged Particulate Spray Systems - Models For Planning The Spray-gun Operations. Computer-Aided Design. 46:211-215. 2014. [doi]
Conference Proceedings
- Rovito, N., and Mukherjee, D. In Silico Analysis Of Flow-mediated Drug Transport For Thrombolytic Therapy In Acute Ischemic Stroke. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Portlan, Oregon. November 2024. (submitted).
- Chauhan, A., Tucker, A., and Mukherjee D. Development Of A Benchtop Model For Cerebral Collateral Circulation. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 2024.
- Teeraratkul, C., and Mukherjee, D. A Micromechanics Based Multiscale Model For Platelet-driven Clot Contraction. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 2024.
- Majee, S., Sahni, A., McIntyre, E.E., Pal, J.D., and Mukherjee, D. In Silico Investigation On Stroke Risks From Left Ventricular Assist Device. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Vail, Colorado. June 2023.
- Roopnarinesingh, R., Jani, N.D., Leppert, M., and Mukherjee, D. Quantification Of Embolus Transport To The Brain From Carotid Stenosis Sites. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Vail, Colorado. June 2023.
- Teeraratkul, C., Stalker, T.J., Tomaiuolo, M., and Mukherjee, D. Image Driven Simulation Of Hemodynamics Around A Dynamic Clot In Vivo. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Vail, Colorado. June 2023.
- Jenkins, T.D., Santo, B.A., Ciecierska, S.K., Patel, T.R., Mukherjee, D., Siddiqui, A.H., and Tutino, V.M. The Association Between Clot Presentation On CT, Biological Composition, And Material Properties: Implications For Pre-treatment Imaging Biomarkers. In: Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Vail, Colorado. June 2023.
- Sahni, A., McIntyre, E., Pal, J.D., and Mukherjee, D. Stroke Risk Quantification For Patients With A Left Ventricular Assist Device. Stroke. 54: Suppl_1: AWP228. Abstract published for the 2023 American Heart Association International Stroke Conference. 2023.
- Shorofsky, M.J., Mukherjee, D., Cao, K., Morgan, G.J., and Zablah, J.E., Feasibility Of Performing Computational Fluid Dynamic Assessment Of A Patient With Congenital Heart Disease From 3D Rotational Angiography. In: Proceedins Of CSI Frankfurt Congress 2022. Journal of Echocardiography. 39:859-876. 2022.
- Roopnarinesingh, R., and Mukherjee, D. In Silico Investigation Of Contralateral Embolic Stroke Risks From Carotid Artery Disease. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Eastern Shore, Maryland, USA. June 2022.
- Andrews, S., Trivedi, P., and Mukherjee, D. An Iterative Approach To Assign Tumor Specific Flow Boundary Conditions For Liver Cancer Using Multi-modal Image Analysis. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Eastern Shore, Maryland, USA. June 2022.
- Sahni, A., Pal, J., and Mukherjee, D. Assessing The Hemodynamic Influence Of Pulse Flow Modulation For Left Ventricular Assist Devices. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Virtual. June 2021.
- Zemlicka, A., Beiter, A., Trivedi, P., and Mukherjee, D. In Silico Modeling Of Embolic Particle Drug Delivery For Liver Cancer. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Virtual. June 2021.
- Teeraratkul, C., and Mukherjee, D. Parallel Implementation Of A Hybrid Particle-continuum Finite Element Framework For Blood Clot Biomechanics. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. ACM-SC20. November 2020.
- Khadangale, S.B., Hajebrahimi, S., Ferguson, V.L., Lynch, M.E., and Mukherjee, D. Fluid-Structure Interaction Framework For Fluid Flow Through The Bone Lacunar-Canalicular System With Morphological Variations. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Virtual. June 2020.
- Mukherjee, D., and Shadden, S.C. Fictitious Domain Particle-Based Modeling For Thrombosis. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA. June 2017.
- Mukherjee, D., Jani, N.D., and Shadden, S.C. Discrete Particle Modeling For Thrombotic And Embolic Phenomena In Arteries. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. April 2017.
- Mukherjee, D., and Shadden, S.C. Towards Non-invasive, Computational Modeling Of The Transport Of Thrombo-Emboli And Athero-Emboli Along Arteries. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, Maryland, USA. June 2016.
- Mukherjee, D., and Shadden, S.C. Insights Into The Hemodynamic Factors Affecting Embolus Transport For Stroke. Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, Utah, USA. June 2015.
- Mukherjee, D., and Zohdi, T.I. Computer Modeling and Simulation Framework for Particulate Spray Based Manufacturing Processes. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, California, USA.
- Mukherjee, D., and Mansour, A.E. Preliminary Concept and Feasibility Studies on Ocean Energy Device Design from Used Ships. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean & Offshore, and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China. - [best paper award]